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JH ART student work
Keep scrolling to see our latest projects!
"god's creation" paintings
inspired by aboriginal art
Kate Anderson
Jess Hurst
Paisley Davey
Eliah Liegel
Charlotte Dixon
Scripture meditation mandala drawings
inspired by tibetan buddhist mandalas
Claire Stites
Judah Geisler
Tyler Hess
Jamie Torresson
Bobby Rose
Caleb Leader
Charlotte Dixon
Becky Mejia
Maya Sanchez
Eliah Liegel
Sara Hallman
woven baskets with symbolic colors
inspired by navajo baskets
Paisely Davey
Maya Sanchez
Charlotte Dixon
Jamie Torreson
Sara Hallman
Becky Mejia
Esther Teixera
Shana Gallagher
Tyler Hess
Katie Anderson
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